2009년 3월 11일 수요일

HF's Kinesis Layout

After experimenting a while, I fixed the key layout of my Kinesis Advantage keyboard. (1) To keep compatible with other keyboards, backquote key goes there. (2) To save left pinky during emacs and bash session, left control key goes to left thumb position. (3) For backspace key I followed Colemak layout. (4) For equal key, I put it at strange position not to have my brain confused. (5) Since alt key is my emacs meta key, I put it near left thumb enough to reach easily (6) For window manager hot key, I allocated two Mod keys and put those into thum positions. (7) Standard position of ESC key is too far for my pinky to reach. I put it into thumb area. (8) Though I do not use del key frequently, I put it into thumb area for emergency situation. (9) Caps lock key and International key is needless. So I eliminate those.

emacs, 쉘, 윈도우매니저 핫키를 위한 리눅스용 키네시스 키보드 리맵이다.

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