2009년 2월 16일 월요일

Hangul Last-consonant Pangram

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is a pangram, a phrase that contains all of the letters of the alphabet. HF used it when he practiced typing an English keyboard. Recently, HF is trying to use 3-beol-sik Hangul keyboard layout over 2-beol-sik Hangul keyboard layout which HF have used for more than 25 years. The main reason for trying switching is the hump of right forearm. Maybe fatigue have caused it, HF thought. So HF ordered an ergonomic keyboard and decided to use the ergonomic keyboard layout.

Though many proponents for 3-beol-sik argue that 3-beol-sik go along with Hangul principle more naturally, HF disagrees. 2-beol-sik is based on the fact that Hangul is composed of vowels and consonants. On the other hand, 3-beol-sik is based on the fact that  Hangul is composed of Cho-sung (First consonant), Jung-sung (Middle-vowel), and Chong-sung (Last-consonant). It's like the following question: "What's the principle of the universe? Yin and Yang? Heaven, Earth, and Human?" Of course both can be taken as valid principle. Likewise, both 2-beol-sik and 3-beol-sik go along with Hangul principle well. No need to argue. 

The major hurdle of learning 3-beol-sik key layout is mastering Last-consonant (Chong-sung). Because the layout divides consonants as First-consonants and Last-consonants and allocates key in different position, one need to remember more key position than 2-beol-sik layout. Moreover, the number of Last-consonants roughly doubles the number of First-consonants. Being tired of making mistypes on Last-consonants, HF got an idea of practicing Last-consonants using a pangram. The following paragraph has all Hangul Last-consonants.

"한낮 넓은 부엌 솥 옆에 벗고 앉아 앓는 소리를 읊으며 삶은 닭을 케챂 없이 볶아 먹고 - 좋아라 핥아 먹는 - 젊은이 얘기를 하는 (어두운 낯빛의) 외곬 노인의 넋두리를... 그깟 '김밥', '우동' 먹을 시간이 없다고 찾아 듣지 않았는가?"

25년간 쓰던 2벌식을 3벌식으로 바꾸어 보려니 잘 안되는 것은 당연하다. 받침 연습을 위해 종성 판그램을 만들어 보았다.


2009년 2월 10일 화요일

Hillary's Choice

Current president of U.S. is Barack Obama, I know. Because he is first African-american president, there are so many books on him in bookstores. Tons of books, no exaggerating. However, I barely have interest on him. I'm beginning to get interest on Hillary Rodham Clinton rather. So I've read "Hillary's Choice" by Gale Sheehy, which I bought eight years ago, the time when she was in the middle of the New York Senate election. (I have strong belief that this story is a strategic biography for the election.)

One line summary: Hillary is a great woman.

One quotes from the book: “There is nothing that is a more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over again and expect the results to be different.” - Albert Einstein

힐러리는 대단하다. 영부인-상원의원-대선후보-국무장관의 캐리어를 볼 때, 비록 현재 대통령이 되지는 못했지만 여성이라는 점을 떠나서도 독보적인 위치이며, 4년 혹은 8년후에 어떠한 행보를 보일지에 따라 그 위치는 더욱 높아질 수도 있다고 본다. (1947년생이니까 2017년이면 좀 늦지만, 오바마가 재임 카드를 확보하지 못할 경우 민주당에서 2013년 카드로 쓸 수 있다고 본다.)  힐러리의 인생 자체는 굴곡이 많으니 그 인생을 부러워할 것은 없으나, 대단한 사람인것은 확실하다. HO의 롤 모델이 될 수 있으려나...

* 책 속에서..
  • '염색체 교차': 나이가 들어갈수록 점점 독립적이고 적극적이며 정치적으로 변해가고 남편은 그 반대가 되는, 중년 이후에 부부에게 자연스럽게  찾아오는  현상. 힐러리와 빌이 그렇다고 한다.
  • '그냥 꾸준히 계속하라': 힐러리가 늘 첼시에게 주는 가르침
  • '나는 누구일까?': 나는 누구일까? 언젠가는 참된 나를 만나게 될까? 그녀를 만나면 우리는 아주 잘 지내리라 믿는다.
  • '정치란': '우리 지도자들은 너무나 긴 세월동안 정치를, 실현 가능한 것을 운영하는 기술로 다뤄왔다고 나는 생각한다. 하지만 지금 우리 앞에 놓인 당면 과제는 불가능하게 보이는 것들을 가능한 것으로 창조해가는 기술로서의 정치 실현이다. - 웰즐리대학 졸업연설

2009년 2월 9일 월요일

Mr.Moon, look at this candy.

It's Grand Full-Moon Day, the first full moon day of new lunar year, today. HO, HM, and HF went out to to make wish of this year. HF made wish that HO and HM would have great health and sound body this year. HF asked 100 great loves to Full-Moon as his own wish.

On the way home, HM bought HO a candy. HO got very delight.When HO saw Full-Moon with a candy in her hand, she raised her hand to the Full-Moon. "Mr.Moon, look at this candy~" she said. How cute she is. We love you, HO.

오늘은 대보름날. 소원을 빌기위해 온가족이 집앞으로 나왔다. 가족의 건강을 빌다보니, 졸업을 빌어왔던 10여년동안의 대보름이 떠올라 기분이 묘했다. 동네한바퀴를 돌고, 수퍼에 들러 사탕하나를 사서 쥐어줬는데, 수퍼에서 나오더니 하늘을 보고 이렇게 말한다.
"달님~ 사탕보세요~~"

너무나 귀여워서 뒤로 넘어질 뻔 했었던 그런 저녁.

2009년 2월 2일 월요일

Thou, Hire Thyself.

"Thou, Hire Thyself" is a book of Bon-Hyoung Goo, a popular bookwriter on self-improvement subjects. HF got it from his brother as a present several years ago and read it. But he found himself completely forgetting all of its contents. So, he read it again.

Goo emphasize three concepts in this book: Change, Choice, and Flow. One should embrace change, not keep away from it. One should carefully make a choice to what he change (Goo uses the word 'transform'). It's definitely good to change into what one can do best or like best, so careful choice should be taken. When the two precondition meets, one can experience Flow, the word tossed by Mihaly Csikszent in his book "Flow". Actually HF choose "Flow" after reading Goo's another book "What Can I Do Best." Both Goo and HF seem to moved by Dr. Csikszent.

All these books - "Flow", "Thou Hire Thyself", and "This Year I Will..." - tells a same story with similar tone. The same story is told by countless self-improvement books but there are something different in those 3 books, HF thinks.

자기계발에 대한 무수히 많은 책이 있고, 나한테도 꽤 많은 책이 있으나, 많은 수는 환경만을 오염시킬 뿐이다. 이 책은 추천할만하기에 글을 올려둔다.  그러나 구본형 변화경영연구소에서 나온 "나는 무엇을 잘 할 수 있는가" 책은 비추천.