Recently I read following books on software development:
Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time! Conrad Barski |
M.D. Barski is well-known in LISP society for his cartoon. This is an interesting introduction to LISP.
Googleを支える技術 ‾巨大システムの内側の世界 西田 圭介 |
It's another book on google technology.
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement Eric Redmond Jim R. Wilson |
Good introduction to NoSQL Databases. I can grasp the point where NoSQL has strong points.
How Google Tests Software James A. Whittaker Jason Arbon Jeff Carollo |
Google testing team's monologue. I am sold to them. If I was to join Google, I'd take testing group.
Very good book.. or Very important subject, at least to me.
C: A Reference Manual Samuel P. Harbison Guy L. Steele |
(201209) 1999년 C언어 표준이 개정되었을 때 설렁설렁 넘겼기에, 최근 회사 동료(라고 쓰고 까마득한 후배라고 읽자)가 C99의 feature다.. 라고 말할 때 속으로 뜨끔했다. 그래서 다시 한번 흝어보았다. 읽고 나니 별거 없었다. 좀 시간이 아깝군.
I've missed some features of C99, which I learned from office colleagues. I was embarrassed at that time, so I skimmed a reference just to discover those are last important ones I missed from C99. :-(
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