2011년 1월 3일 월요일

HO's Sleigh-ride / HO와의 눈썰매

The last day of year 2010, We took a sleigh-ride in a near park. The hills in the park was covered thick with snow. It had been snowing for two days. The park was crowded with many people already. All they were riding sleighs. At first HO rode the sleigh and I pulled it. After some try, we had sleigh-ride on the hills. It's like a roller-coaster. HO, HM, and I all had much fun.

은구비 공원에서 눈썰매를 타며 2010년의 마지막 날을 보냈다. HO도 굉장히 좋아했는데, 꽤 추웠는지 그 다음날 또 타러 가자고 했더니 춥다고 싫다고 한다. 다음 눈이 내릴 때에나 가 봐야겠다.

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