It's around midnight. Sleepy and tired.
We ate dinner at home. After that I washed HO. HO got her right foot hurt and went to bed early. So I did some home-fixing stuffs.
First, I set up an audio system on our living room. I put Marantz CR-401 mini CD receiver and connect two speakers at both side of the living room. I have no space to put the two speakers at same height. So I placed right speaker near the ceiling while left speaker stands on the floor, thinking 'It may be OK'. But it's not. So I put the right speaker into the bookshelf. Sound got better.
After that, I decided to try Airtunes, wireless audio streaming into Apple Airport Express. I wanted AE to connect to home wifi, which has setup with WEP 64bit security. I struggled because AE did not seem to support WEP 64bit. WEP 128bit and WPA were only option. So I tried something into my wifi router which was in vain. But I finally succeeded in getting AE to connect to wifi router with WEP 64bit. Manual setting mode provided WEP 64bit configuration which was not possible in express setting. Apple coders sucks! I yelled. I connected AE into CD-receiver with analog cable. Then Airtunes were enabled from all our machines - notebook, desktop, iphone, ipad. It's darm easy to listen music! I want to listen some songs but HO and HM fell asleep already so not today. Sound quality was not good in low volume testing. Maybe I should try digital output from AE and DAC. Also, I become to want to buy some good speakers.
While doing audio things, my desktop froze. It keeps freezing theses day. I discovered that the CPU cooler retention guide was broken. It should be main cause. After audio setup, I changed the retention guide to new one. CPU core temparature dropped about 3 degree celcius. Satisfying. Be healthy, my desktop! You should serve me additional some years, shouldn't you?
Now, I'm quite tired. It's AM 1:00. Time to go bed. Good bye.
오디오설치, 무선음악감상 설정, PC 수리 등 여러가지 하다보니 밤이 깊었다.
무릎은 계속 아프다. 이사해서 출근하기가 불편해 카풀을 하고 있다.
HO는 신체건 인지능력이건 쑥쑥 크고 있다. HM은 가을 강의를 시작했다.
이사를 마쳤다. 이제 뭔가 해야 하지 않을까. 그렇게 생각은 하지만 잘 하지 못하고 있는 그런 요즘이다.
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