2009년 5월 27일 수요일

Recent Readings

Reading is fun. I read books anywhere anytime. I read books in my bed after waking up. The bus to the office is a good place to read. After getting off the bus, I usually walk 25 minutes with a book in my hand. HM said that reading while walking is dangerous. It's rather safe, however, because the campus in the early morning has few people walking and I usually enjoy reading while working. The moment before sleeping is also good time and a good place to read. HM always says that I should turn off the light to get a good sleep. But for reading habit, I left the light turned on all night and got complaints many times.

Recently I've read the following books.

To Kill a Mockingbird (앵무새죽이기)
Harper Lee

The real reason for choosing this book is that I've recently bought a puzzle book named "To Mock a Mockingbird." But I've known that this book is a famous one. I've passed the first half of this book just now. I've got a silent and tranquil mood. Modest good.
잔잔한 이야기. 그러나 졸리지는 않다.

The Catcher in the Rye (호밀밭의 파수꾼)
J. D. Salinger

This is a famous book. I thought I got the message of the author... but not impressive. Maybe I may have gotten too old for this book.
많은 사람들이 평하듯 위선과 그에대한 참을 수 없음에 대한 책. 이십년전에 읽었다면 인생이 바뀌었을까?

Some reviewer said that Scott is mere former Microsoft employee and there are no evidence that he actually understands about innovation. However, I'm certain that many old sages, philosophers had been underestimated for the same reason. His writing is very witty and deep.
Though he may or may not be a sage, this book is worth reading. 5/5

저자가 입만 살았다고 평가받을수도 있겠지만 잘 읽히고 여운이 남는 좋은 책. 입만 살았다고 누가 평가할 때 '그래?'하고 털털 털고 일어나 무엇인가를 보여준다면 더 좋을 수도 있겠으나 사상가는 굳이 그럴 필요도 없다.
그러나 나는 이제 뭔가 보여주고 싶다. 허생전의 허생처럼.

선인들의 공부법 (The road to enlightenment)
박희병 편역(Editor: Park Hee Byoung)

All genii are mere human, like you and I. If you accept this fact you can get a benefit from studying oldies.
성리학, 유학 자체는 낡은 것일 수 있지만 학문을 하는 사람들 자체는 옛사람이나 현대 사람이나 같다. 그것을 유념하고 이 책을 읽었더니 머리에 종소리가 많이 쳤다.

동숭동 그여자 (Misery in Dongsung-dong)
This book is similar to Misery by Stephen King. I've enjoyed this reading.
집착에 대한 이야기로, 대학시절 읽고 즐겼던 소설. 한 번 더 꺼내어 읽어보았다. 나와는 달리 많은 사람들한테 읽히지는 못했는지 이제는 절판되었다. 사실 호밀밭의 파수꾼이든 동숭동 그여자든 다를 점이 뭐가 있겠는가!

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